Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week 4 Storytelling: Mrs. Fishy's Dream

As everyone was asleep in the tank, Mrs. Fishy began to have a dream. She saw great big bubbles dancing around. They were floating around the top and started to descend down to her. The big bubbles surrounded Mrs. Fishy making her feel warm and happy.

She then woke up happy and excited swimming around her husband Mr. Fishy. Waking up from the excited swimming of his wife, Mr. Fishy cuddled close to her and asked, “Why the sudden excitement this morning my dear?”

“I had a dream. A dream of great big warm bubbles,” replied Mrs. Fishy. From that moment he knew that she was ready to have babies. Mr. Fishy began making rounds around the tank finding a spot for their nest.

Soon he started making hundreds of bubbles for his wife and soon to be laid babies. He made sure to find the warmest spot so that his children will be born of great color and strong fins. “Come here my love. I have made a great nest of warm bubbles for you and I to care for our eggs,” said Mr. Fishy.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Fishy lay in the nest of bubbles next to one another. Shortly afterwards, Mrs. Fishy began laying her eggs and setting them carefully within the nest. As she laid each egg the tank became more and more vibrant with life and color. The gravel on the bottom of the tank were clean and shiny, the moss ball sprouted more moss, the leaves of the plants became more green and lively, and whole tank became warm and cozy.

Mr. and Mrs. Fishy looked at each other with happiness and new that their children will be of beautiful fins and colors that will bring great warmth and life to the world. The other fish in the tank noticed all warmth and happiness of the two and started dancing around the tank in joy of their soon to be born children.

One by one the other fish began bringing Mr. and Mrs. Fishy shiny rocks for them to decorate an area in the tank where their children will be playing around in. The oldest fish in the tank, the Corydoras, swam from his slumber to congratulate the two on their happiness.

“A great joy it is to have young ones of your own. May your children be full of life and beautiful in color. If one day they leave this tank, they will bring life and warmth where ever they may go,” said the great old Cory.

The tank was lively and warm with all the bubbles that Mr. Fishy made as well as the celebration of their new eggs.

Author's Note. This story was inspired by the story of "The Life of Buddha" in the chapter of "Maya's Dream". In that chapter Queen Maya has a dream about being visited by Gods who bestow her a child that will become Buddha. After waking up from the dream, she is fill with joy and happiness. She then sends servants to get King Suddhodana, who is her husband, to meet her in the gardens. Then upon arrival to the garden, the king is stopped by the Gods and tells him that his son will be of great and supreme knowledge. After that, Maya is caring the young prince and has the ability to heal and cure the ill. My version of this story is a little bit different since the characters are fish and have multiple babies at once. The inspiration for the characters is the fact that my blog site is called "My Fish Mr. Fishy" and from my childhood pet fish. Much of the story is changed but it still brings a happy and bright mood. The dream is about big warm bubbles and the Brahmans were changed into the Cory fish because I thought of them as old men with beards and mustaches and the Cory has whiskers which match perfectly in my story.

"The Life of Buddha" by Andre Ferdinand Herold (1922). Web Source: Sacred-texts


  1. I really enjoyed your story. You did a really god job conveying the same message but with completely different characters and in a completely different setting. That is really hard to do. This may sound silly, but for some reason I pictured Finding Nemo when I read this. The tank I pictured was like the one in the dentist's office with the chest that makes bubbles! You did a really good job with this story, Urian. I look forward to reading more!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your story and it kept me super entertained the entire time I was reading it! I thought it was really cool how you took the basically ideology of the story but completely retold it with brand new characters in a brand new setting, that could be really difficult to pull off as well as you did!

  3. This is a great story! Like Christina, I also pictured the tank in the dentist’s office in Finding Nemo! Your story was very entertaining and easy to read. I like how you were able to convey the original message but with completely different characters in a completely different setting! That can be very hard but you made it work, so good job! I cannot wait to read more of your stories as the semester continues!
