Monday, September 14, 2015

Mythology and Folklore Brainstorming Topics

Storybook Topic: Japanese Fairy Tales: Greed of Power
Comments: I have a very large interest in the Japanese culture and their stories are very captivating. Choosing Japanese Fairy Tales as my topics is a must for me because it gives me the chance to learn more about the history and culture of historical to modern Japan.
Possible Stories: I am not sure how many other online books are available for this topic but I have a feeling that there are lots to choose from. One source that I found my sample story is from the Un-Textbook unit of Japanese Fairy Tales and stories.
Sample Story: While I was looking through the Un-Textbook, I found a cool story about a stonecutter who was granted wishes from a spirit that dwelled in the mountains.
Sample Story: TheStonecutter
Book Title: The Crimson Fairy Book
Book Author: Andrew Lang
Year: 1903
(The Stonecutter and the Spirit of the mountain)

Storybook Topic: Japanese Fairy Tales: The Man Who Loved the Sea
Comments: Again I have a huge interest in Japanese mythology and folklore. There are a lot of weird entities that are in their stories and legends which drive people away but, for me these weird beings intrigue me and want me learning more about them.
Possible Stories: There are lots of stories all over the internet about Japanese Fairy Tales that include mythological and folklore creatures that intervene with the lives of humans. My sample story for this is found in the Un-Textbook.
Sample Story: I found a second story in the Japanese Fairy Tale unit of the Un-Textbook that told of a man who fell in love with the princess of the sea and faced consequences of leaving her to return to his parents.
Book Title: The Pink Fairy Book
Book Author: Andrew Lang
Year: 1897

Storybook Topic: Japanese Fairy Tales: The Golden Boy
Comments: This is the third choice in the Japanese unit. I have heard of several Japanese Fairy Tales from movies and books throughout my life and the story of The Adventures of Kintaro, The Golden Boy is a familiar story I heard of a while back.
Possible Stories: There are lots of stories to be found on the internet and the story I have chosen is from the Un-Textbook.
Sample Story: The story of The Adventures of Kintaro, The Golden Boy is about a young boy who lost his father before he was born and lived in the wilderness with his mother. He was no ordinary child for his strength was beyond that of a regular kid and made friends with the animals around him.
Book Title: Japanese Fair Tales
Book Author: Yei Theodora Ozaki
Year: 1908
(Kintaro the Golden Boy)

Storybook Topic: The Monkey King Who Traveled West
Comments: For this topic about the Monkey King Sun Wu Kung, I have seen many different movies about him and his journey to the west and how he became the King of Monkeys. The original tale of Journey to the West is a very long one and I have yet to finish it ever since high school.
Possible Stories: There are lots of stories that can be found on the internet and different renditions as well. My sample story that I read was found on the Un-Textbook.
Sample Story: The story of the Monkey King Sun Wu Kung and his journey to the west with his companions is a long story that has them facing countless obstacles and even celestial beings.
Sample Story: Journeyto the West
Book Title: Journey to the West
Book Author: Wu Cheng’en

Year: 16th Century, Ming Dynasty

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