Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ray the Super Shiny Goldfish and the Beautiful Serpent

Days passed by after Ray and the troubling of goldfish encounter with Dr. Evil Fish and his henchfish. Since then the Super Shiny Goldfish started to earn a heroic reputation all over the Lake of Plentiful.

Back at their cave, Ray and his friends were playing around and having fun. Soon Ray did not feel like playing with everyone.

“What’s the matter, Ray?” asked one of the goldfish.

“Oh, nothing. I just don’t really feel like playing right now,” answered Ray with a sad tone.

“Oh, really? Well, if, you feel like playing some more we’ll be right here,” said another goldfish.

Ray swam out of the cave and into the lake. As he swam around the lake, all the fish that saw Ray greeted him with the utmost respect and thanked him for saving the lake from Dr. Evil Fish. Ray just smiled and swam away trying to find some sort of solitude from everyone.

“What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel so lonely?” questioned Ray.
Small Lushan waterfall
The Super Shiny Goldfish then swam to the farthest part of the lake where a small waterfall was. He positioned himself under the rushing water and went into a meditation. Ray meditated for several hours trying to find out what was going on with him.

After coming out of his meditation, Ray realized that it was getting dark and that the others would be worried about him. He started slowly making his way back to the cave while he used his power to glow dimly so he could see.

About halfway back to the cave Ray noticed a change in the lake. The lake was much quieter than usual about that time. Ray immediately concealed his glow in hopes of not attracting whatever it was that made everyone run away so quickly back home.

“Aaahhh! I can’t see anything!” a voice screamed out.

Ray felt something whizzing by a few times so close that if he stuck his fin out, he would have hit whatever was going so fast.

“Maybe one of the guppies is lost,” thought Ray.

He then grew bright and saw whatever was swimming around so fast was right in front of him.

“Aaaahhh!” screamed the frightened thing crashing into Ray.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down there. It just me, Ray the Super Shiny Goldfish,” said Ray trying to calm the aquatic animal down.

“It got so dark so suddenly. Where am I?” asked the aquatic animal.

“This is the Lake of Plentiful. Who are y-,” said Ray pausing to take a look at the beautiful creature that just crashed into him.

“My name is Lana. I’m a water serpent. Sorry for swimming into you like that,” apologized Lana.

“Uhhh,” said Ray dazzled by the beautiful Lana.
Milotic swimming around
 “Umm. Hello? Are you okay? I didn’t hit you that hard did I?” asked Lana.

“Uh, um, no I’m okay. I’m just uhh. Yeah, I’m okay. I’m okay,” replied Ray trying to not act so awkward.

“Hehe. You’re talking kind of funny. Do you know if there is a place I can stay?” wondered Lana.

“Y-yeah. I have a place you can stay at for the night or however long you would like to stay,” answered Ray still trying to collect himself.

The two swam back to the cave talking about where Lana came from and why she came to the Lake of Plentiful. Once they arrived at the cave, Ray used his ability to brighten the way to where the others were at.

“Hey, Ray! Where have you bee-? Whoa! Who’s the beauty?” asked one of the goldfish who was stunned by the beauty of Lana.

“I just went out for a long swim and bumped into Lana here who is a water serpent from several lakes over. She’ll be staying here for the time being,” answered Ray.

Ray led Lana to his side of the cave and said that she could sleep on his rock bed while he slept on a spare bed. The two never really fell asleep because they stayed up all night talking about their lives.

The next morning came by and Ray showed Lana around the lake and introduced her to all the inhabitants. They enjoyed each other’s company so much. Ray started feeling much happier as he spent time with Lana.
A heavenly sky
 After a couple days of spending time with one another, Lana asked Ray, “Hey, Ray. How would you like to come with me to the Heavenly Waters of the Sky?”

Puzzled, Ray asked, “What is the Heavenly Waters of the Sky? Where is that?”

“It is where all great aquatic creatures go to become immortal,” replied Lana.

“Let me think about it, okay?” said Ray.

“I will only give you until tomorrow afternoon to decide,” said Lana with a stern face.

Ray went back into the cave and lay on his bed thinking about what to do. If he left with Lana, then he would be the happiest he could be with such a beautiful serpent. However, he would leave behind his friends who he promised he would lead till the end of time. Ray became stressed over the situation and passed out from thinking too much.

When Ray woke up, it was nearly afternoon. He knew that Lana would be waiting outside of the cave for his decision so he swam out to meet her. All his friends watched Ray as he swam out of the cave.

“Hello, Lana,” said Ray.

“Have you made your decision?” asked Lana.

“Yeah, I have. I choose to stay here in the Lake of Plentiful with my friends,” answered Ray.

“What? You turn down a once in a life time chance to be immortal to be with your friends?” questioned Lana.

“Yep. I made a promise and I’m going to keep it,” said Ray.

“Suit yourself then,” said Lana as she revealed her wings and flew straight up out of the lake.

Ray turned around and swam back to the cave.

“You guys wanna party?” asked Ray.

Author’s Note: The Celtic story that inspired “Ray the Super Shiny Goldfish and the Beautiful Serpent” was Connla and the Fairy Maiden. The only aspect that they share in common is the appearance of a beautiful being who came to take a character away to become immortal beings. My characters are mostly fish and a serpent while the original story has human characters and a Fairy Maiden. Another difference between the two stories is that Connla chooses to go with the Fairy Maiden to the Plains of the Ever Living while Ray chose to stay with his friends and keep his promise.

The story of “Ray the Super Shiny Goldfish and the Beautiful Serpent” happens after Ray’s previous encounter with Dr. Evil Fish. Days after Dr. Evil Fish’s defeat, Ray has a problem about being lonely and in need of something new. The Fairy Maiden is replaced with Lana the beautiful water serpent. Both females offer the characters to a life of immortality, but that’s where I added my twist to the story where Ray stays with his friends because of a promise he made with them.

The pictures I use helps my readers imagine how the waterfall looks like as well as how Lana looks. I imagined Lana to look very similar to the Pokemon Milotic who is said to be the most beautiful of all Pokemon. The picture of the heavenly sky gives a rough imagery of how the Heavenly Waters of the Sky looks.

Bibliography. "Celtic Fairy Tales" by Joseph Jacobs (1892). Web Source: Sacred Text Archive

1 comment:

  1. Urian, really great story. I like all the dialogue in your story. It really adds great detail to the story and a personal touch that makes it easy to connect with the characters. You really added great detail and told the story in a great way. It was really interesting to read and follow along with. I enjoyed reading your story.
