Monday, November 2, 2015

Extra Storytelling: The Super Shiny Goldfish Vs. Dr. Evil Fish

Asylum Lake

In the Lake of Plentiful, there lives a goldfish named Ray that could shine as bright as the sun. He was given the title of Super Shiny Goldfish by his friends. Ray and his friends worked and played every day and always returned safely to their home which was an underwater cave.

Life was usually peaceful in the Lake of Plentiful. The lake hosted many different fish and creatures in its vast body. One fish in particular was the largemouth bass. This big mouth bass was called Dr. Evil Fish due to his cruel behavior towards other fish in the lake and he was especially evil to Ray.
Largemouth bass opening its wide mouth

“Who does he think he his huh? All shiny and bright and shit,” contemplated Dr. Evil Fish.

“He’s Ray, the Super Shiny Goldfish sir,” answered one of Dr. Evil Fish’s Bluegill henchfish.

Bluegill in a tank
“I know that already. Ugh, you henchmen aren’t helping. I’ve got to come up with a plan to capture Ray and find the royal algae to become ruler of the lake,” said Dr. Evil Fish.

Meanwhile, back in the underwater cave Ray and his friends were preparing to go out into the lake to go look for food to eat. Ray swam in front and led the group so that they would not get lost.

“Alright, guys, be on the lookout for any good algae to bring back to the cave,” Ray directed the group.

The group of goldfish continued looking for food around the lake. They swam from one end of the lake to about half way around it. During their search for food they encountered Dr. Evil Fish.

“At last. We meet again Ray the Super Shiny Goldfish of the lake,” shouted Dr. Evil Fish.

“It’s you again. What do you want?” questioned an annoyed Ray.

“I am here to capture you and your petty friends so that I can rule the lake. Prepare yourself!” explained Dr. Evil Fish. “Henchmen! Throw the net!”

Dr. Evil Fish’s henchmen threw a large fishing net over the troubling of goldfish to trap them to the floor of the lake.

Ray, struggling to get out of the net, yelled, “Argh! Where did you get this net?”

“Muahahahaha! It was left by a fisherman who gave up fishing near this part of the lake,” laughed Dr. Evil Fish. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have plans to find the royal algae on the other side of the lake and rule over it.”

Dr. Evil Fish swam away to complete his plans of domination followed by his henchmen. With Ray and the other goldfish left under the fishing net, there was no other fish who could stop Dr. Evil Fish.

“Oh no! Dr. Evil Fish is getting away!” squealed one of the goldfish frantically flailing about under the net.

All of the goldfish were panicking and squirming around. They were afraid of dying of hunger since they could not get out of the net. This thought only made the situation worse and the goldfish flailed around even more violently than before.

“Guys! Stop! Listen to me!” ordered Ray.

No one listened and continued panic. Seeing that everyone was too much in a state of panic, Ray used his powers and shined brightly to catch the attention of his friends.

“Now listen to me. We all must swim up together to lift the net,” said Ray calmly.

Everyone looked at one another and began swimming upwards together. Little by little they were lifting the net off of the bottom of the lake. Soon enough Ray and the other goldfish lifted the net high enough to escape.

Finding Nemo: Just swim down scene
During this time of their escape, Dr. Evil Fish had already reached the other side of the lake and found the royal algae.

Dr. Evil Fish shouted happily, “Yes! I have found it! The royal algae that will make me the king of this lake!”

As Dr. Evil Fish was slowly getting closer to the royal algae, Ray swam as fast as he could and screamed, “Hey! Dr. Evil Fish! Take this!”

Dr. Evil Fish turned and looked at Ray, who was shining as brightly as the sun.

“Ah! My eyes!” yelled Dr. Evil Fish and his henchmen.

Ray then ordered his friends to throw the fishing net onto the blinded Dr. Evil Fish and his men. After capturing Dr. Evil Fish, Ray took the chance to grab the royal algae and throw it out of the water and on to the land that surrounded the lake.

“No one will ever rule over the Lake of Plentiful. The lake belongs to the fish that live in it,” said Ray shining brightly over the trapped Dr. Evil Fish. “Oh, and thanks for the tip about your plans and for the fishing net.”

“Curse you, Ray!” shouted Dr. Evil Fish.

Ray and his friends returned to their cave and had a huge party to celebrate the defeat of Dr. Evil Fish.

Author’s Note.
The story that inspired this heroic tale was the fable of The Eagle and The Arrow from The Fables of Aesop: An Eagle was soaring through the air when suddenly it heard the whizz of an Arrow, and felt itself wounded to death. Slowly it fluttered down to the earth, with its life-blood pouring out of it. Looking down upon the Arrow with which it had been pierced, it found that the shaft of the Arrow had been feathered with one of its own plumes. "Alas!" it cried, as it died: "We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction."
In my story I changed the situation and the characters. It is also one of the adventures of The Super Shiny Goldfish who I decided to name Ray to make the main character have an identity. Also, a group of goldfish are called a trouble of goldfish which was mentioned in the story. The character Dr. Evil Fish was inspired by cartoon villains from my childhood as well as a small reference to Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. I used the moral of the original fable and created a heroic themed story and spoiled the plans of the evildoer just like the many superhero cartoons I used to watch. The images I used in this story give readers a view of how the lake looks like as well as the characters in it. I chose Dr. Evil Fish to be a largemouth bass simply as a pun since he could not keep his mouth shut and told Ray about his evil plans to rule the Lake of Plentiful. This story is another great addition to my fish-themed Portfolio and serves as somewhat of a continuation to the story of The Super Shiny Goldfish.

Bibliography. “The Fables of Aesop” by Joseph Jacobs (1894). Web Source: Internet Archive

1 comment:

  1. Hey Urian nice to see you again.
    so like i said last week I really like your portfolio and that is why i have returned to it for this weeks assignment. I picked your portfolio because i really do enjoy the stories that you have written. so first off i really like that you were able to make a continuation of you last story I always love when stories build on each other and i think that naming him really help to make him more than just a fish. i think that my favorite thing has to be the name of Dr. Evil Fish. i was cracking up every time i read his man i also liked that be was a big mouth bass and could not keep his mouth shut, I see what you did there lol. I also like the picture from finding nemo because that is exactly what i was picturing. keep up the good work!
