Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Reading Diary A: Khasi

The Tiger and the Monkeys: This was a very interesting story that told of how animals in the wild lived by the ruling of a king. The king in this story was the Tiger who is the top predator in India which was predictable hence the title of the story. However, the most intriguing part of the story that caught my attention was how the monkeys came up with a plan to save their tribe from being punished by the Tiger for tricking him.

The Legend of the Iei Tree: At the beginning of this story it seemed like the Iei Tree was going to be a light hearted story but instead it was about impending doom of shadows. The fact that this tree grew so big that it covered so much of the world in darkness is quite impossible to believe. An interesting part of the story is how a tiger named U Khla was healing the tree by licking the spot that the wood-cutters were chopping at. Such a big tiger that healed the tree but did not hunt the wood-cutters doesn’t seem like a bright predator to me.

Hunting the Stag Lapalang: This folk-lore was a very sad story about the Stag Lapalang. He went to go eat begonia leaves and was seen by people who soon started to hunt him. After a long chase the Stag Lapalang was trapped and shot with thousands of arrows. His mother heard of his death and mourned for him and cried so loud and full of sorrow that it was heard throughout the country. The Khasis heard this deep love and devotion from her mourning that they felt that their own way of mourning for their departed ones were inferior. Since then the Khasis decided that they will mourn in the way that the mother of the Stag Lapang did hundreds of years ago.
A beautiful stag

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